What's The REAL Reason I Can't Lose Weight?

  • Why is it harder than ever to lose those stubborn pounds... despite a strict diet & working out harder than ever?

  • I am feeling stressed out because the scale isn't budging... how can I make it stop?

  • I am doing all the right things... yet still don't see the results I'm expecting – all while my friends look amazing with hardly any effort at all

  • I feel like my body is broken... and completely discouraged, wishing I could go back to those days when weight maintenance was more effortless

Take this short quiz to find out if

metabolic or hormonal imbalances are to blame!

"Eating Less And Exercise More" Doesn't Equal Fat Loss

Most approaches to weight loss take the standard approach  — calories in and calories out. 

The problem is these common approaches to weight loss are causing your metabolism to slow down and don't address the root problems. 

Why is this important? 

Because weight gain is a symptom, (along with low energy, joint pain, sleep issues brain fog etc) - If you address what causes the symptom it will go away. 

So what causes weight gain then? 


Here’s how -  Stress causes a cascade effect in the body to slow your metabolism, signals fat cells to store fat, and causes hormones, inflammation and blood sugars to try and keep you alive.

Which is all great if you're running from a tiger. Not so great if this happens day in and day out. 

When we deal with chronic stress it creates imbalances in our body and metabolism, all of which make us gain weight in our midsection, tank our energy, disrupt our sleep and make us feel sluggish and flabby… and it gets worse as we age. 

The real problem is our brains don't know if you were eating less or in a famine, or exercising or running from a tiger so the typical approach stresses the body out more causing MORE imbalances in the body over time... sending us on a never ending roller coaster of yo-yo dieting. 

The key is to understand the imbalances in our body and then address them. Once you do this, weight loss becomes fast, healthy, and we can sustainably maintain the results. 

So if you’d love to feel and look your best, if you're wondering what imbalances are sabotaging your health and weight loss, then take the short quiz!

Meet Jared McDonald

Hi, I’m Jared McDonald, founder of The Metabolism Reboot Program.

I was never really super lean growing up. I actually struggled for most of my life. After college when I got married I was 50 pounds overweight, had type 1 diabetes since I was 4, and was a food addict. And even though I was killing myself in the gym – it wasn’t working.

Then my wife got sick and our health journey began.

After years of doctors, tests, and research - I figured it out.

  • I learned how to eat the right way and still enjoy desserts and snacks without "fitting it in" and endless workouts.

  • I gained a new relationship with food and my body.

  • I didn't have to track everything and knew fad diets were unsustainable.

  • I didn’t just lose 50 pounds 10 years ago – I learned to become a healthy person.

Now I’ve helped 1000’s of people reach their goals and learn to keep it off in a sustainable way.


3 Facts About Weight Loss Resistance

It's Not Calories-In
vs. Calories-Out

Conventional weight loss advice isn't working

Many people believe if they restrict calories more and work out harder, they should lose weight. Yet if you have gut or hormonal imbalances, calorie restriction can actually contribute to additional weight gain. Eating many small meals throughout the day might be a bad idea too, if your insulin in out of whack. We help you crack the code to eating for a healthier life and sustainable weight loss.

You Can Change Your Metabolism

It's totally possible to reset your metabolism even as you age

Hormonal changes in perimenopause, menopause & andropause will change your metabolism. However, there are several key lifestyle changes that will improve metabolic health & boost your weight loss efforts more effectively – no matter your age. While these aren't common knowledge, addressing the root cause imbalances that you've been developing since your 30s can be the key to trimming down, feeling calmer and sleeping better too.

Weight Gain & Cardiometabolic Issues

Weight gain and cardiometabolic issues can have a snowball effect

Has your doctor said "It's part of getting older... just exercise more and eat less" after weight gain or labs were off? This can feel exasperating when you have been doing literally everything to lose weight for better health. Vague diet advice or blaming it on aging isn't going to get you there, you need real guidance from a functional weight loss expert who has the right tools and a proven track record to help you

Your Health + Wellness Is Our Passion

Helping people live a more balanced & healthier life isn't just our job, it's our passion! We take our commitment to lifelong, optimal health + wellness very seriously... incorporating the latest scientific advances and dedicated to the very best care possible.

We focus on giving you the care you need, not the care sanctioned by health insurance – which is why our programs include longer appointment times, more communication, more advanced testing and guidance on lifestyle factors that can truly make or break your health.

We like to think of ourselves as your trusted partner towards a healthier, more resilient life – supporting you every step of the way, because we know what's possible when you have the right guide by your side!

If you haven't found the answers you've been looking for with traditional medicine and still feel unheard, you are in the right place! We're excited to make you our next success story, so let's take the first step with the quiz :)


Ready For Amazing Results Like These?

"Can’t say enough about Dr. Lastname and his exceptional team. I just completed a year as a practice member and I feel fantastic. I have learned so much about healthy eating and continue to get compliments on how great I look and my positive energy. While the weight loss has been slow, about 30 pounds over the past year, my clothes fit so much better and I love how trim my waist feels!! What’s more is that my energy is finally back and now I can work out on a regular basis without feeling wiped out after".

Amanda T.

Peoría, IL

"Several years ago, my primary physician recommended Dr. Lastname for a problem I was having. I've been back for various ailments over the years; each of which is met with a focused approach resulting in the desired result. Add in great conversation and a genuine caring attitude - truly a winning combination. I have recommended him many times to my friends."

Kimberly L.

Chicago, IL

"Dr. Lastname is incredibly kind and always goes the extra mile in all aspects. He was there to support me whenever I needed it as well. He is incredibly knowledgeable and has helped me resolve a lot of my health issues, especially my hormonal imbalance. I highly recommend him if you are ready to improve your quality of life."

Jasmine R.

Chicago, IL