Could Metabolic & Health Imbalances Be The REAL Cause Of Your Weight Struggles?

  • Are you battling relentless belly fat or “meno belly” that defies every attempt at dieting and exercise?

  • Do you feel like your weight loss efforts have become a full-time job and yet you never see the pay-off?

  • Is getting a good night's sleep a serious challenge, waking up several times during the night and feeling cranky because you never feel rested?

  • Do you have insane sweet and junk food cravings making it difficult to say no to foods?

"Eating Less And Exercise More" Doesn't Equal Fat Loss

Most approaches to weight loss take the standard approach — calories in and calories out.

The problem is these common approaches to weight loss are causing your metabolism to slow down and don't address the root problems.

Why is this important?

Because weight gain is a symptom, (along with low energy, joint pain, sleep issues, brain fog etc) - If you address what causes the symptom, it will go away.

So what causes weight gain then? Stress and other health imbalances!

Chronic stress and hormonal imbalances cause a cascade effect in your body that slows your metabolism, signals fat cells to store fat, and disrupts your hormones, inflammation levels, and blood sugar balance in an attempt to keep you alive.

At The Metabolism Reboot, we focus on addressing these root causes. We help rebalance your hormones, reduce chronic stress, and optimize your body's natural fat-burning processes.

By doing so, we not only help you lose weight but also improve your energy, reduce joint pain, enhance sleep quality, and clear brain fog.

Our approach isn't about restrictive dieting or excessive exercise. Instead, we work to reboot your metabolism from the inside out, creating sustainable weight loss and overall health improvements.

So if you’d love to finally feel and look your best, if you're wondering what imbalances are sabotaging your health and weight loss, then take the short quiz!


Finally Shedding Those Pounds and Getting Your Energy & Motivation Back!

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quas."

Amanda T.

Peoria, IL

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi"

Kimberly L.

Chicago, IL

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi"

Jasmine R.

Indianapolis, IN

How Long Have You Been Experiencing
Suboptimal Health?

Chronic Fatigue

Weight Gain

Brain Fog

Stress & Anxiety

Sleep Issues

Hormonal Imbalances


Digestive Issues


Ready For Amazing Results Like These?

"Can’t say enough about Dr. Lastname and his exceptional team. I just completed a year as a practice member and I feel fantastic. I have learned so much about healthy eating and continue to get compliments on how great I look and my positive energy. While the weight loss has been slow, about 30 pounds over the past year, my clothes fit so much better and I love how trim my waist feels!! What’s more is that my energy is finally back and now I can work out on a regular basis without feeling wiped out after".

Amanda T.

Peoría, IL

"Several years ago, my primary physician recommended Dr. Lastname for a problem I was having. I've been back for various ailments over the years; each of which is met with a focused approach resulting in the desired result. Add in great conversation and a genuine caring attitude - truly a winning combination. I have recommended him many times to my friends."

Kimberly L.

Chicago, IL

"Dr. Lastname is incredibly kind and always goes the extra mile in all aspects. He was there to support me whenever I needed it as well. He is incredibly knowledgeable and has helped me resolve a lot of my health issues, especially my hormonal imbalance. I highly recommend him if you are ready to improve your quality of life."

Jasmine R.

Chicago, IL

Meet Jared McDonald

Hi, I’m Jared McDonald, founder of The Metabolism Reboot Program.

I was never really super lean growing up. I actually struggled for most of my life. After college when I got married I was 50 pounds overweight, had type 1 diabetes since I was 4, and was a food addict. And even though I was killing myself in the gym – it wasn’t working.

Then my wife got sick and our health journey began.

After years of doctors, tests, and research - I figured it out.

  • I learned how to eat the right way and still enjoy desserts and snacks without "fitting it in" and endless workouts.

  • I didn't have to track everything and knew fad diets were unsustainable.

  • I gained a new relationship with food and my body.

  • I didn’t just lose 50 pounds 10 years ago – I learned to become a healthy person.

Now I’ve helped 1000’s of people reach their goals and learn to keep it off in a sustainable way


3 Facts About Weight Loss Resistance

It's Not Calories-In
vs. Calories-Out

Conventional weight loss advice isn't working

Many people believe if they restrict calories more and work out harder, they should lose weight. Yet if you have gut or hormonal imbalances, calorie restriction can actually contribute to additional weight gain. Eating many small meals throughout the day might be a bad idea too, if your insulin in out of whack. We help you crack the code to eating for a healthier life and sustainable weight loss.

You Can Change Your Metabolism

It's totally possible to reset your metabolism even as you age

Hormonal changes in perimenopause, menopause & andropause will change your metabolism. However, there are several key lifestyle changes that will improve metabolic health & boost your weight loss efforts more effectively – no matter your age. While these aren't common knowledge, addressing the root cause imbalances that you've been developing since your 30s can be the key to trimming down, feeling calmer and sleeping better too.

Weight Gain & Cardiometabolic Issues

Weight gain and cardiometabolic issues can have a snowball effect

Has your doctor said "It's part of getting older... just exercise more and eat less" after weight gain or labs were off? This can feel exasperating when you have been doing literally everything to lose weight for better health. Vague diet advice or blaming it on aging isn't going to get you there, you need real guidance from a functional weight loss expert who has the right tools and a proven track record to help you


Frequently Asked Questions

Why a metabolism assessment call?

Do you feel like you've literally tried "everything" when it comes to losing weight and improving your health?

It's unfortunate that majority of Americans don't know that the typical approach of eat less and exercise more isn't working statistically and theres a better, easy and more permanent solution. And that's why I am offering a free session where you can find out where you might have imbalances and how to fix the problem once and for all...

You can't make new decisions without new information, and I'd love to fill in the blanks for you during that free session.

Why is this session free?

You may be wondering why this session is free and whether I am trying to sell you something since other program or practitioners don't offer free programs, right?

In our program, we focus on the root cause solution so that we can actually help reboot your metabolism you and transform your health. So yes, I am trying to sell you on the fact that you deserve vibrant health and that it's possible for you to finally heal and reach your goals (even if you've literally tried everything).

However, I don't want to waste your time or your money. If we can't help you reach your goals I don't want to tell you we can, which happens way to much in the weight loss world. We also want to make sure you feel like this is a worthy investment. And that's why we don't start with a paid appointment; we want to first make sure that we can help you. You can't make a decision without having all the information, right?

"Is this affordable?"

Absolutely! Especially in comparison to how much time, energy and money people have spent already on their weight loss journey.  We don't always get to be the first person people work with but we are often the last.

We understand that financial considerations are important, and we work with a diverse range of individuals, from retirees, single parents, business owners and people on fixed income to find a plan that fits comfortably for them.

Now of course our program requires an investment of time and energy and a monetary investment and if the approach resonates with you and we believe we can help, we'll do our best to make it work for your financial situation.

Here's what I told Meghan a single mother who joined our program.

"Let's assume you could reach your goals, get back to feeling amazing within 3-6 months, wake up refreshed, without aches and pains, with steady energy throughout the day, a clear and sharp mind, ready to tackle anything the day may bring." What would that be worth to you?"

"And what if you could learn how sustainable maintain those results for the rest of your life? What would that be worth to gain that kind of freedom?"

Of course priceless. So Meghan figured out a plan that worked for her, did our program and lost 45 LBS in 5 months and got her life, confidence, and vitality back.

Will this work for me?

"I've tried every diet, been to trainers and and doctors and yet nobody seems to have an answer. How do I know this will work for me?" The basic question is, can I help everyone? And the answer is NO.

• If you're looking for a quick fix, a magic pill, then this isn't for you.
• If you're not open to new ideas or willing to actively participate in your health, then this isn't for you either.

But I can help most people.

• If you're looking for a natural approach to finally release stubborn fat, feel your best and do it for good...
• If you're ready to address the root cause that's been keeping you stuck...then you're in the right place.

Of course there are no guarantees except that I can guarantee if you keep doing the same things you’ve always done you'll keep getting the same results. Now that being said, having worked with 1000’s people I’ve never seen anyone lose less than 10 LBS who follows the program which we’ll guarantee and we’ve seen that 90% lose at least 15 LBS in 6 weeks and 85% lose 20 LBS or more.  

But I do want to make sure we can even help you first which is the reason why I am offering this free session: so that we can chat about what you've already tried, what worked, and what didn't work.

How do I get started?

It's very simple. Click on the button below and enter your information to apply for a free session with our team.

What kinds of results do you typically see?

The amount of weight loss will vary for each person. Those with more weight and inflammation will lose it faster. Of course your results will largely depend on compliance and efforts that you put forth.

That being said the program is designed to gently and safely lower your weight and the average person loses between 15-35 pounds in 6 weeks. Our average for women, after working with 1000's of people, is 23.5 and the average for men is 30.8. In addition majority of people experience better energy, improve sleep, get rid of brain fog, reduce joint pain, blood sugars balance, cravings dissipate and more.

Do I have to be local to participate?

We work with folks virtually all over the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe

Who is this is NOT for?

This is NOT for those that are extremely ill or have a debilitating chronic disease or are pregnant or breastfeeding. This program is for those that deeply value their health, are highly coachable, like accountability and 1:1 support, are responsive to positive feedback, and are honest with themselves and others. The goal of this program is not perfection, instead the goal is for progression, growth and life long vitality.

  • It's very simple. Click on the yellow "I want a free discovery call" button and enter your information to apply for a free call with our team.
  • As it turns out, we do not accept insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, but we will provide a Superbill that you can submit to your insurance. Also, certain items are HSA/FSA eligible expenses.
  • Yes, most of the lab tests can be billed to insurance, just like you were to go to any other provider. For those without insurance, we offer substantially discounted self-pay rates.
  • If you're located in Boston/MA, we're happy to see you in person – but it's not necessary. We work with folks virtually all over the US.
  • Every week, you will receive an email letting you know that the module for that week is available in our secure membership area. The module will include up to seven short videos and a number of worksheets.
  • Can you afford NOT to take this course?

    This is as an investment in both you and your organization, and will pay you back for years to come. The return on investment is excellent: only one additional, new major gift will more than pay for this course. And if you follow and implement the course material in the step-by-step manner outlined, you should be able to raise 10 or even 100 times more than what you've paid.

    As an investment in you, it's priced to be comparable (or even less expensive) than any other graduate level course.
  • Yes! If you watch the videos and complete the worksheets, you can get 100% of your money back, guaranteed, anytime within the first 30 days of starting the course.
  • No problem. It will be waiting in your inbox when you're ready. You can follow along at your own pace. No need to panic if you miss a week or even two. You'll have access to the course for 12 months, so you can catch up at any time.
  • Yes. Amy will be available to answer questions via the comments box within each module, as well as in the Facebook group. She will also take questions in a group Q+A session every other week throughout the course. She will not be available to help individuals in a one-on-one basis.

Have other questions or need help? Email us [email protected]